This time I would like to explain in detail about implant treatment.
With regard to implants, it has become quite famous in newspapers and television, and many people have heard about it. However, when we ask questions from patients in our dental clinic, we often don’t understand well, or often misunderstand the wrong information. Some people thought that implants = dentures. Therefore, I would like to explain in detail about the implants, including the pros and cons.
右の図でご説明いたします。まず、インプラントは3つの部分に分かれています。I will explain it on the right. First, the implant is divided into three parts.
①フィクスチャー(インプラント本体)Fixture (implant body)
②アバットメント(インプラントの土台)Abutment (implant base)
③上部構造(インプラントの被せ物)Superstructure (implant covering)
①フィクスチャーについて About the fixture
The fixture is the part of the implant body. In other words, this is an implant. The main body is in the bone, not the cover that is visible above. This is unexpectedly unknown. Therefore, the most important part is hidden in the bone. Fixtures are surgically punctured and embedded in bones. This fixture will stick to the bone in about 3-6 months. Then it will be in the form of making a top cover. If this fixture does not stick to the bone, the surgery will not work.
②アバットメントについて About abutment
An abutment is the foundation that stands on the implant body. If there is no foundation, you can’t put a cover. This foundation is the connection between the implant body and the covering. This foundation has a variety of shapes and materials. Select and set the most appropriate one.
③上部構造について About superstructure
The superstructure is the covering of the implant. This is the most visible part of the mouth, and many people mistake this as an implant. This part is only a part of the cover, so it can be replaced if it breaks or breaks. Since the superstructure also has various shapes and materials, the most suitable one will be selected and set.
インプラントの利点について About the benefits of implants
インプラントの利点は様々ありますが、特に重要な利点をいくつか挙げておきます。There are various benefits of implants, but here are some of the most important benefits.
①他の歯に影響しないで独立して歯を作ることができる Can make teeth independently without affecting other teeth
②ご自身の歯と同じようにしっかりと食事ができる You can eat as well as your own teeth
③見た目が天然の歯と同じように自然 Looks like natural teeth
I think that the advantage is a particularly wonderful part.
インプラントの欠点について About the drawbacks of implants
インプラント治療にも欠点があります。Implant treatment also has drawbacks.
①メンテナンスをしっかり行わないと天然の歯よりも歯周病になりやすい Without proper maintenance, it is more likely to have periodontal disease than natural teeth
②手術でうまくいかない場合がある Surgery may not work.
③骨が少ない方や痩せている方にはインプラント治療ができない場合がある Implant treatment may not be possible for those with few bones or those who are thin
④自費治療のため、費用がかかる Expenses for self-paying treatment
インプラント治療のまとめ Summary of implant treatment
Thus, there are advantages and disadvantages to implants. Also, depending on the bone thickness and density, it may not be possible. Therefore, it is a very recommended treatment method for those who have solid bones. Implant maintenance is very important. For this reason, it is essential that dentists go to regular maintenance, so it is important to have a habit of going to regular checkups. Compared to dentures and bridges (a treatment that sharpns the adjacent teeth and connects the coverings to create a bridge), this is a treatment that allows you to eat comfortably without affecting other teeth.
最新のインプラント治療について About the latest implant treatment
Implant treatment is constantly evolving. In the past, failed cases due to implant surgery, which had been a hot topic in newspapers, magazines, and television, can now be performed more reliably and safely. In particular, methods for implant treatment by analyzing 3D images of CT images performed at my dental clinic are becoming more widespread. As a result, it was possible to confirm the bone shape and the position of nerves and blood vessels in advance, and to plan the implant surgery.

In addition, a method called non-flap surgery has become possible as a further development. This is a method of implant surgery without cutting the gum because the bone structure is known by 3D analysis. As a result, patients can undergo implant surgery with less pain and faster healing. Until now, surgery to cut the gums inevitably caused pain and delayed healing after the operation. Those who were scared of surgery and who had given up the implants were able to receive treatment with greater peace of mind.
In this way, implant treatment has developed into a more reliable treatment. It has become a treatment that patients can choose with peace of mind. If you have lost your teeth, please consider implant treatment. I think that you can feel a more comfortable treatment than you think. Please consult your dentist once.