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Then it is the main subject.
今回はマウスピース矯正について徹底的にご紹介いたします!!This time, we will introduce thorough Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece!
First of all, there are various manufacturers to say Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece. There are three types of hospitals in my dental clinic: Invisalign, Aso aliner, and smileTRU. There are many other manufacturers, but this time we will explain these three features in detail.
Speaking of Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece, it is a pioneering maker that is no exaggeration to say invisalign. The latest technology is introduced more technically than any other manufacturer. The development here has spread to other manufacturers. Due to its long history, various case results have been accumulated and it is a highly reliable manufacturer.
Aso aliner is a Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece originally developed by the Institute of Technology. Therefore, each time the patient’s teeth are cast, a mouthpiece is made at the laboratory. This advantage can be corrected more accurately because it can be corrected each time a slight error occurs during correction.
smileTRU can assist us with diagnosis by an overseas orthodontist, so you can make a plan with a deeper diagnosis. The most important thing in Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece is to make the part more reliable for diagnosis and treatment planning.
次に、マウスピース矯正の利点についてご説明します!! Next, I will explain the benefits of Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece! !
1.目立たない Inconspicuous
2.ワイヤーがないため、スポーツなどの運動をしても口の中を怪我しない Because there is no wire, it won’t hurt your mouth even if you do sports exercises
3.自分で取り外しができるため、食事などの際ははずすことができる It can be removed by yourself, so you can remove it when eating.
4.より自然に発音することができる Can be pronounced more naturally
5.症例によっては、安い費用と短い期間で矯正することができる Some cases can be corrected at low cost and in a short period of time
マウスピース矯正の欠点について Disadvantages of Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece
1.ワイヤー矯正のように細かい歯の動きが苦手 Not good at fine tooth movements like wire straighteningrthodontic treatment with mouthpiece
2.ワイヤー矯正よりも期間がかかる場合がある May take longer than wire straightening
3.マウスピース矯正ではできない症例がある Some cases cannot be done with Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece
There are various advantages and disadvantages, but I think the advantage is greater for patients.
マウスピース矯正の期間について Disadvantages of Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece
The period varies greatly depending on the arrangement of teeth, but in simple cases it may be completed in 3-6 months. However, if the degree of tooth movement is large, it may take one to two years or more.
マウスピース矯正の費用について About the cost of Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece
The cost varies depending on the manufacturer and period. In the case of my dental clinic, Invisalign costs 898,000 yen regardless of the period, Asoaliner costs 298,000 yen or more, and SmileTRU costs 350,000 yen or more. For simple cases, it can be done at a much lower cost than normal correction.
マウスピース矯正で行う処置について About treatment to Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece
マウスピース矯正において行う必要がある処置が2つあります。 アタッチメントの設置とIPRです。
There are two procedures that need to be performed in Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece. Attachment installation and IPR.
Attachments are plastic protrusions that attach to the tooth surface. Move the teeth firmly by hooking the mouthpiece on this. It also has a role to keep the mouthpiece itself from getting removed immediately.
IPR is a treatment that creates a gap by cutting between teeth. This will create a space between the teeth and allow you to cure the teeth. If there is absolutely no space to move the teeth, you may need to remove the teeth.
Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece is required to be held as well as normal Orthodontic treatment. Retention is a treatment that keeps the current tooth alignment for a while so that it does not go back. For holding, a holding device is used, but in the case of Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece, it can be held with a mouthpiece as well. Therefore, it can be held in an inconspicuous state. The retention period is approximately two years. If you are worried about going back, you may be holding for longer
Although we have explained the features of the mouthpiece in this way, various options may be required depending on the patient’s teeth arrangement, so if you are interested, please check and diagnose at the dentist once Please give me. I would like to support you so that everyone’s teeth line up will be clean and you will be able to laugh. In addition, I would like to tell you various information about Orthodontic treatment with mouthpiece, so I would appreciate it if you could read the article again. Thank you.